Now more than ever it is important to take care of your health, but the following information has no expiration date.
We’ve all seen the necessary tips on hand washing and avoiding infection-here are some positive ways you can support your body’s defenses:
- Rest well; quality sleep and stress-reducing practices are key to a strong immune response.
- Eat more immune boosting foods: mushrooms, garlic, raw honey, pungent spices, bone broth, dark berries, and greens.
- Move yourself: yoga, taichi, walk or run in fresh air and sun. (Free Vitamin C!)
- Massaging parts of your body, dry skin brushing and sitting in a sauna encourage good lymphatic flow-essential for strong immune function.
- Enlist herbs to help keep your whole body well protected: stress-busting adaptogens and cell-protecting antioxidants are potent immune allies.
Keep in mind these 4 herbal solutions for boosting your bodies defenses:
- Amla is a potent source of vitamin C and an immune protector.
- Holy basil is an adaptogen that can help reduce stress, balance and strengthen immune response.
- Ginger is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that promotes balanced digestion.
- Ashwagandha is a premier adaptogen, helping improve stress, response and sleep quality.