the ruved blog

Five adaptogenic energy bites sitting on a white plate.

Adaptogenic Energy Bites

Whether you call ‘em bliss balls, or just ‘those yummy things with nut butter,’ these snacks pack a lot of nutrition into a small package. I like to add some...

Adaptogenic Energy Bites

Whether you call ‘em bliss balls, or just ‘those yummy things with nut butter,’ these snacks pack a lot of nutrition into a small package. I like to add some...

A diver swimming in the sea amongst fish and coral.

Traveling with Your Gut Microbiome

Traveling is one of the great joys of living. Seeing new and exotic places, trying unique foods, and making memories are all precious experiences. Yet, it is not uncommon for...

Traveling with Your Gut Microbiome

Traveling is one of the great joys of living. Seeing new and exotic places, trying unique foods, and making memories are all precious experiences. Yet, it is not uncommon for...

Heart healthy supplement powder laid out across a red background, in the shape of a heart.

Your Inner Heart Warrior

We love our hearts and they love us. Like any other muscle, we need to make sure to keep the heart strong, and we can do this by exercising, eating...

Your Inner Heart Warrior

We love our hearts and they love us. Like any other muscle, we need to make sure to keep the heart strong, and we can do this by exercising, eating...

A pile of Omega-3 supplements.

Omega-3 Benefits, Sources, and Usage

Omega-3’s are the fatty acids that make seafood, seaweed, seeds, nuts, legumes, and avocados so healthy for us. Yet the truth is, most Americans are still missing out on all...

Omega-3 Benefits, Sources, and Usage

Omega-3’s are the fatty acids that make seafood, seaweed, seeds, nuts, legumes, and avocados so healthy for us. Yet the truth is, most Americans are still missing out on all...

A person jumping forward under a tree, with a very bright sun behind them.

5 Supplements & Herbs For Jump-Starting Wellness

Whether it’s your birthday, the New Year, or just a new day, there are times where we say to ourselves we’re going to streamline our wellness. Maybe just by eating...

5 Supplements & Herbs For Jump-Starting Wellness

Whether it’s your birthday, the New Year, or just a new day, there are times where we say to ourselves we’re going to streamline our wellness. Maybe just by eating...

A person standing on a secluded beach, forming a circle of lines in the sand.

7 Things To Do If You Feel Stalled On Your Heal...

As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I see many clients who report feeling completely stuck in their health goals. Oftentimes there is a huge desire to achieve a certain goal,...

7 Things To Do If You Feel Stalled On Your Heal...

As a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, I see many clients who report feeling completely stuck in their health goals. Oftentimes there is a huge desire to achieve a certain goal,...