the ruved blog

As Australian Shepherd helping its owner in the garden.

The Ayurvedic Daily Calendar: Following the Cy...

By: Laurie Dohmen, VMD, MS, RH (AHG) Ayurveda orders the ways we manage our health: first is dietary changes, followed by lifestyle changes, then herbs and pharmaceuticals.  Lifestyle changes are...

The Ayurvedic Daily Calendar: Following the Cy...

By: Laurie Dohmen, VMD, MS, RH (AHG) Ayurveda orders the ways we manage our health: first is dietary changes, followed by lifestyle changes, then herbs and pharmaceuticals.  Lifestyle changes are...

A cat drinking water from a water dispenser.

Kitties and Kidneys: Tips for a Healthy Cat

By: Laurie Dohmen, VMD, MS, RH (AHG), FACVBM Physiologically, cats are funny creatures. They are what are called “obligate carnivores.” This means that they really only need to eat other...

Kitties and Kidneys: Tips for a Healthy Cat

By: Laurie Dohmen, VMD, MS, RH (AHG), FACVBM Physiologically, cats are funny creatures. They are what are called “obligate carnivores.” This means that they really only need to eat other...

Ashwagandha:  The Herbal Best Friend of our Best Friends

Ashwagandha: The Herbal Best Friend of our Bes...

By: Laurie Dohmen, VMD, MS, RH (AHG), FACVBM I love adaptogens, they are my very favorite category of herbs. They are good for supporting the body, mentally and physically and,...

Ashwagandha: The Herbal Best Friend of our Bes...

By: Laurie Dohmen, VMD, MS, RH (AHG), FACVBM I love adaptogens, they are my very favorite category of herbs. They are good for supporting the body, mentally and physically and,...

A dog and cat laying down together, cuddling in a field of yellow flowers.

Summer Fun

Summer is a time to have fun in the sun! However, our pets can’t always do that without our help, and sometimes they don’t ask us until it is too...

Summer Fun

Summer is a time to have fun in the sun! However, our pets can’t always do that without our help, and sometimes they don’t ask us until it is too...

An image of a dog in a yellow hat and sunglasses, next to a cat in a red shirt with sunglasses.

Summer Travel for Pets

In Ayurveda, traveling is considered primarily a vata activity. Vata translates to “that which moves” and traveling certainly counts! Support your pets and yourselves with substantive nourishing foods and vata...

Summer Travel for Pets

In Ayurveda, traveling is considered primarily a vata activity. Vata translates to “that which moves” and traveling certainly counts! Support your pets and yourselves with substantive nourishing foods and vata...

A person hiking next to a lake with two dogs.

Ayurvedic Herbs for a Healthy Spring Season

by laurie dohmen, vmd, ms, rh (ahg) In Ayurveda, there is the concept of Ritucharya, which is the seasonal cycle of routines through each year. Spring is the time to cleanse...

Ayurvedic Herbs for a Healthy Spring Season

by laurie dohmen, vmd, ms, rh (ahg) In Ayurveda, there is the concept of Ritucharya, which is the seasonal cycle of routines through each year. Spring is the time to cleanse...